

Surrealism Switzerland

Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Foto: Georg Aerni, Zuerich

An exhibition of Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, September 1, 2018 to January 2, 2019, curated by Peter Fischer

For the first time an exhibition and a comprehensive catalogue will be dedicated to the Swiss representatives of this important twentieth century art movement. Surrealism in this country evolved in the interwar years between the poles of the Parisian avant-garde and of a climate of «national renewal». Besides the internationally well received protagonists living in Paris – Alberto Giacometti and Meret Oppenheim – there are a number of other Swiss artists developing their own surrealistic approaches. Hence, this project will deliver an overdue contribution to the historiography of twentieth century Swiss art.


Museum Caspar Wolf, Muri

The small but exquisite cluster of museums located in Muri (Canton Aargau, Switzerland) is in the process of being expanded and completed. For the Stiftung Murikultur (Cultural Foundation of Muri) Peter Fischer has developed a contemporary concept for the renovation and interior extension of the 17th C. Singisen Wing of the Muri Abbey. The project is in the process of realisation with the opening being scheduled for early April 2019.

The premises will house the new Museum Caspar Wolf as well as the Singisen Forum, a multifunctional space dedicated to contemporary art, as well as the Singisen Atelier, a project room for arts and cultural mediation.

Muri-born artist Caspar Wolf (1735–1783) is considered Muri’s most famous son and regarded as one of the pioneers of European landscape painting. Murikultur Foundation praises itself rightly owning one of the most important collections of works of Caspar Wolf world-wide. Consequently, the new Museum Caspar Wolf will present an exquisite overview over the live and work of this extraordinary artist as well as surprising insights into an interesting artistic universe revealing implications of great actuality.


LION MONUMENT 21. Long Term Project of Kunsthalle Luzern

Kunsthalle Luzern is taking the 200th anniversary of the Lucerne Lion Monument as an opportunity to explore the world-famous monument in a multi-annual project using artistic means and a trans-disciplinary approach.

From 2017 until the actual Jubilee on August 10, 2021, exhibitions, performances, events and publications will be devoted to various aspects of the monument. The process, as reflective as it is pleasurable and stimulating, will take place over five years, involving partners from the fields of culture, education and tourism, to bring their lion closer to the people of Lucerne, and at the same time to take this unconventional tribute out into the world.

Kunsthalle Luzern has appointed Peter Fischer as project manager.

Calls for proposals as well as information on programmes, participating artists and partners are available via the website and via the media.